Expert in strategy, communication and organization

— Advising leadership across the arts, creative industries, sciences and society on their strategic challenges

— Currently Director of Marketing & Communications at Maastricht University, focusing on positioning, community building, digitalization and organizational development

Foto van Roel van Herpt

Full bio

Previous Projects (selection)

RASL — positioning & organizational strategy as well as strategic advice for a bid presentation for RASL, the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab founded by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Codarts University of the Arts and Willem de Kooning Academy / Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

KABK KC HdK — advisor and liaison for the positioning strategy, brand portfolio, visual identities and digital platforms of KABK Royal Academy of Art, KC Royal Conservatoire and HdK University of the Arts The Hague. With Lesley Moore and Digital Natives.

AM — strategic advice and project leadership for the repositioning and rebranding of Amsterdam Museum, including guidance for their new visual identity and online platform. With Hamid Sallali, Isabelle Vaverka and Bravoure.

HvA FBE — vision and action plan for the COO and operational management team of the Faculty of Business & Economics of the HvA Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Urban Maestro — positioning, communication and digital strategy for a joint EU project on urban design governance. The project was founded by Bouwmeester Maître Architecte, UN–Habitat and UCL The Bartlett, School of Urban Planning. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Culture Campus — positioning strategy for a new campus for the arts, sciences and society in Rotterdam Zuid, a development project by City of Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and Codarts University of the Arts.

Amerpodia — positioning strategy for Amerpodia and their four venues Felix Meritis, Rode Hoed, De Nieuwe Liefde and Compagnietheater.

Gouda City Hall — establishing the governance of a new foundation for the city hall of Gouda, a 15th-century monument that will be renovated in the upcoming years. The foundation is expected to realize a cultural, educational and commercial program on the theme of living together.

The Inclusive City — lecture and case study on strategies and lessons from Amsterdam for keeping cities inclusive, affordable and liveable. For urban studies students at Sciences Po Paris / Reims / Lille.

LM Online — digital strategy and project development for a new online platform for Limburgs Museum. With Bravoure and Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken.

Kasteel Wijlre estate — strategic direction for the visual identity and website of Kasteel Wijlre, estate for culture and landscape. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Studio Ossidiana — professionalization strategy for Studio Ossidiana, practice in architecture, design and research founded by Alessandra Covini and Giovanni Bellotti. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

All projects
Agency Agency


Academia, Higher Education, Sciences
Codarts University of the Arts Rotterdam
CvA Conservatorium van Amsterdam
Design Academy Eindhoven
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Gerrit Rietveld Academie
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht
HR Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
HSE Vysokovsky Graduate School of Urbanism
HvA Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague
KABK Lectorate Art Theory & Practice
KABK Lectorate Design
KC Royal Conservatoire The Hague
Maastricht University
MAFAD Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design
RANEPA School of Design
RASL Rotterdam Arts and Sciences Lab
ROC van Amsterdam
Sandberg Institute
Sciences Po
Scholen in de Kunst
Strelka Institute
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
UCL The Bartlett
University of the Arts The Hague
UvA University of Amsterdam
Willem de Kooning Academy
Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Public Administration & Governance
Amsterdam Economic Board
Bouwmeester Maître Architecte
City of Almere
City of Amsterdam
City of Arnhem
City of Gouda
City of Rotterdam
Embassy of Canada in the Netherlands
Embassy of the Netherlands in Russia
Moscow Agency of Innovations
Moscow Urban Forum
Province of Noord-Brabant

Arts & Culture
AFK Amsterdam Fund for the Arts
Amsterdam Museum
Amsterdam Light Festival
Creative Industries Fund NL
East Wing
EKWC European Ceramic Work Centre
EYE Film Institute
h3h biennale
Kasteel Wijlre estate
KB National Library of the Netherlands
Light Art Collection
Limburgs Museum
MOTI Foundation
MU Hybrid Art House
Museum Arnhem
Netherlands Film Festival
Red Light Arts & Culture
Stedelijk Museum Kampen
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
Van Gogh Museum

Architecture, Design, Urbanism
Amateur Cities
Barbara Langendijk
Benthem Crouwel Architects
Bureau LADA
Digital Earth
Dutch Design Foundation
Eefje de Visser
From Form
Gabey Tjon a Tham
Jasmijn de Nood
Jólan van der Wiel
Leeza Pritychenko
Nick Verstand
Paul Swagerman
Play the City
Robin Coops
Ruben van Leer
Saskia Noor van Imhoff
Studio L A
Studio Ossidiana
Studio Tijmen Smeulders
The Hmm
Urhahn Urban Design & Strategy
Vandejong Creative Agency
Waèl el Allouche
Zalán Szakács
Zotov & Co

BNR Business News Radio
Current Obsession
Foam Magazine
Frame Publishers
NPO Radio 1

Health & Wellbeing

Strategy Consulting
AEF Andersson Elffers Felix

Real Estate
Eigen Haard
Spring House

Amerborgh International
Rabobank Amsterdam


Arif Kornweitz
Digital Natives
Lesley Moore
Little Fragments
Studio Bas Koopmans
Studio Hamid Sallali
Studio Isabelle Vaverka
Studio Lukas Feireiss
Studio Maarten Kanters
TD Architects
The Exercises (Lu Liang)
Your Majesty


— Strategy & Implementation
— Positioning, Branding & Communication
— Digital Transformation
— Organizational Change
— Business Development
— Governance
— Stakeholder Management
— Education & Innovation
— Professional Coaching

+31 6 266 14 055

Company Information

Roel van Herpt
Commercial Register No. 58823328

The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce

Czaar Peterstraat 102 C
1018 PS Amsterdam
the Netherlands

Project Archive


Gouda City Hall — establishing the governance of a new foundation for the city hall of Gouda, a 15th-century monument that will be renovated in the upcoming years. The foundation is expected to realize a cultural, educational and commercial program on the theme of living together.

PONT — impact coach for PONT (Publieke Ontwerppraktijk or Public Design Practice), a governmental program executed by Dutch Design Foundation that aims to increase the societal impact of design.

Plan–P — professionalization strategy and business development coaching for Plan–P, practice for visual design, direction and research led by Paul Swagerman.

RLAC — professionalization coaching for Red Light Arts & Culture, an artist-led cultural organization active in Amsterdam’s Red Light District.



RASL — positioning & organizational strategy as well as strategic advice for a bid presentation for RASL, the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab founded by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Codarts University of the Arts and Willem de Kooning Academy / Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Amsterdam 750 — member of the Mayor of Amsterdam's advisory committee that selects cultural projects for the city's 750th anniversary in 2025.

MU 2025–2028 — moderating sessions with the leadership and team of MU Hybrid Art House on their development plan and funding applications for 2025–2028.

LM Online — digital strategy and project development for a new online platform for Limburgs Museum. With Bravoure and Afdeling Buitengewone Zaken.

h3h Governance — governance advice for Heilige Driehoek Biennale, including an update of the foundation's articles of association (statuten) and internal regulations (reglementen) in accordance with the laws (WBTR) and codes for cultural governance, diversity & inclusion and fair practice.

RAvB — positioning & communication strategy for RAvB, the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design. With Alfons Hooikaas. — positioning & governance coaching for, an independent platform for crossmedia art projects.

EIGENGRAU — business development & acquisition strategy for EIGENGRAU, an immersive art installation by Zalán Szakács.

Reality Check XVIII — professional development program for Architectural Design students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check XVII — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.



Culture Campus — positioning strategy for a new campus for the arts, sciences and society in Rotterdam Zuid, a development project by City of Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and Codarts University of the Arts.

AM — strategic advice and project leadership for the repositioning and rebranding of Amsterdam Museum, including guidance for their new visual identity and online platform. With Hamid Sallali, Isabelle Vaverka and Bravoure.

LM Org — organization advice for Limburgs Museum in the context of the realization of their Development Plan 2024.

Innovationlabs — advice on funding applications for Innovationlabs #2, an open call by Creative Industries Fund NL and CLICKNL to stimulate innovation and resilience in the creative sector.

DC CIFNL — one-time chairperson of the digital culture committee of Creative Industries Fund NL.

Digital Culture — moderation of an expert session on strengthening the position of digital culture within the Dutch cultural sector in general and specifically the film sector. For Netherlands Film Festival, Cinekid and IDFA DocLab.

ALF — organization advice for Amsterdam Light Festival.

ALF–ALAF–LAC — optimization of the collaboration model between Amsterdam Light Festival, Amsterdam Light Art Foundation and Light Art Collection.

LAC — strategic advice on the Development Plan 2022–2025 of Light Art Collection.

The Hmm — creative & organizational strategy as well as fundraising advice for The Hmm, an inclusive platform for digital culture. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Zalán Szakács — positioning & website advice for Zalán Szakács, artist in the fields of immersive art, scenography and media theory research. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

OBSCURA — business development strategy and coaching for OBSCURA, practice for architecture, urbanism & research by Katarzyna Nowak and Jens Jorritsma.

Robin Coops — professionalization strategy and coaching for Robin Coops, director and composer of immersive operas.

Jasmijn de Nood — professionalization strategy and coaching for illustrator and visual storyteller Jasmijn de Nood. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency. — moderating a brainstorm session on the strategic development of, a foundation for developing immersive art projects. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check XVI — professional development program for DesignLAB and Architectural Design students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check XV — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.



HvA FBE — vision and action plan for the COO and operational management team of the Faculty of Business & Economics of the HvA Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

WDKA — positioning advice for the dean and academic management team of Willem de Kooning Academy.

WDKA Research Centre — development of a strategic scenario for a new research centre of Willem de Kooning Academy.

Rupert — workshop on professional development 
in the arts at Rupert, centre for art, residencies and education. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

MU digital — strategic advice for a new digital platform of MU Hybrid Art House.

Future h3h — moderating a session with the supervisory board and director on the future vision of Heilige Driehoek Biennale.

h3h — strategy, organization and professionalization advice for Heilige Driehoek Biennale.

FIBER — positioning and communication strategy for FIBER, meeting place for audiovisual culture. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

millonaliu — professionalization strategy and coaching for millonaliu, a socially-involved research and spatial practice founded by Klodiana Millona and Yuan Chun Liu. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

From Form — professionalization strategy and coaching for From Form, studio for visual and spatial storytelling founded by Ashley Govers and Jurjen Versteeg.

Bureau LADA — professionalization strategy and coaching for Bureau LADA, practice in architecture, design, research and experimentation founded by Lada Hršak.

The Inclusive City — lecture and case study on strategies and lessons from Amsterdam for keeping cities inclusive, affordable and liveable. For urban studies students at Sciences Po Paris / Reims / Lille.

Reality Check XIV — professional development program for DesignLAB and Architectural Design students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check XIII — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.



Urban Maestro — strategic concept and digital strategy for a joint EU project on urban design governance. The project was founded by Bouwmeester Maître Architecte (Brussels-Capital Region), UN–Habitat (Brussels) and UCL The Bartlett, School of Urban Planning (London). With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Culture Campus Rotterdam — expert interview on the development of Culture Campus Rotterdam, a new centre for culture and education in Rotterdam-Zuid. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

MU 2021–2024 — strategic advice to the directors of MU Hybrid Art House regarding their development plan and funding applications for 2021–2024.

LM 2020–2024 — strategic advice to the director and management team of Limburgs Museum regarding their Development Plan 2020–2024 (repositioning, organization and development strategy).

Studio Ossidiana — professionalization strategy for Studio Ossidiana, practice in architecture, design and research founded by Alessandra Covini and Giovanni Bellotti. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

NEOS — definition of mission, vision and product market combinations for a new agency for cultural education in Amersfoort and Central Netherlands.

Van Gogh's Letters — strategic and organizational plan for exhibition development and audience involvement at the Van Gogh Museum. The new permanent exhibition on Van Gogh's letters, to be opened in 2021, functions as a pilot project.

Reality Check XII — professional development program for DesignLAB and Architectural Design students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check XI — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Giulio Margheri / OMA and Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

fanfare — professionalization strategy for fanfare, a platform for graphic design and visual communication. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

&INNOVATE — international positioning and business development strategy for &INNOVATE, consultancy in Life Sciences & Health Tech.

Learning from Amsterdam III — lecture in two parts on strategies for urban development. Part I – The Creative City – on Amsterdam's program for affordable spaces for artists and creatives. Part II – Rethinking Amsterdam – on strategies for tackling the challenges of the city. For urban studies students at Sciences Po Paris / Reims / Lille.

BUROMOSA — business development advice for Luca Moscelli's architecture practice. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

PARADYME — professionalization coaching for PARADYME, practice for visual culture. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Studio Tijmen Smeulders — professionalization & entrepreneurship coaching for the design practice of Tijmen Smeulders.

Gabey Tjon a Tham — professionalization strategy for artist Gabey Tjon a Tham. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Upstream: Music x Design II — fundraising advice for an audiovisual performance and custom-made stage design by artist/musician upsammy and media artist/graphic designer Leeza Pritychenko.

Upstream: Music x Design — fundraising advice for an interactive audiovisual scenography by artist Nick Verstand for his collaboration with singer-songwriter Eefje de Visser.



MOTI Foundation — development strategy and branding for a new foundation, consultancy and project initiator focused on culture and planet. With Agency Agency and François Girard-Meunier.

BUROMOSA — strategic positioning and branding for Luca Moscelli's new architecture practice. With Agency Agency and François Girard-Meunier.

KABK Portal — advisor and liaison for the development of the internal communication platform of KABK Royal Academy of Art. With Digital Natives.

KABK Lectorates — advisor and liaison for the design and development of the visual identities and digital platforms of the Lectorate Art Theory & Practice and the Lectorate Design, both part of KABK Royal Academy of Art. With Lesley Moore and Digital Natives.
website Lectorate Art Theory & Practice
website Lectorate Design

EKWC — moderator of a strategy meeting with the directors and board of the European Ceramic Work Centre about their future development.

Learning from Amsterdam II — lecture in two parts on strategies for urban development. Part I – The Creative City – on Amsterdam's program for affordable spaces for artists and creatives. Part II – Amsterdam in Progress – on strategies for tackling the challenges of the city. For urban studies students at Sciences Po.

The Hmm — professionalization strategy for The Hmm, platform for internet cultures. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check X — professional development program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Reality Check IX — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With KABK Lectorate Design, Giulio Margheri / OMA and Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Amateur Cities — professionalization strategy for Amateur Cities, research agency for inclusive urbanism. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Waèl — professional coaching for artist-designer Waèl el Allouche.

Vertical Atlas — fundraising advice for a research project and publication of Digital Earth, a global research network on new technology and geopolitics.

Reality Check VIII — professional development program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina and Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Development Strategy — lecture and Q&A session on development strategies for creative practices. On behalf of Agency Agency for the talent class of 2018–2019 of the Creative Industries Fund NL.

Update JVDW — strategic advice for updating the website of designer Jólan van der Wiel.

AURA — strategic advice to Nick Verstand and Garage2020 for their awarded submission for the Elisabeth van Thüringen Prize for art in healthcare.



KABK KC HdK — advisor and liaison for the positioning strategy, brand portfolio, visual identities and digital platforms of KABK Royal Academy of Art, KC Royal Conservatoire and HdK University of the Arts The Hague. With Lesley Moore and Digital Natives.
website KABK
website KC
website HdK

Kasteel Wijlre estate — strategic direction for the visual identity and website of Kasteel Wijlre, estate for culture and landscape. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

HdK Brand Portfolio — brand portfolio advice to HdK University of the Arts The Hague and their subsidiary organizations KABK Royal Academy of Art and KC Royal Conservatoire.

Learning from Amsterdam — lecture in two parts on strategies for keeping heritage cities lively and liveable. Part I on affordable spaces for creatives. Part II on city branding in times of overtourism. For urban studies students at Sciences Po.

Lustwarande — strategic positioning advice for Lustwarande, platform for contemporary sculpture.

The Creative City — speaker at Moscow Urban Forum, HSE School of Urbanism and Moscow Agency of Innovations on strategies for keeping the city affordable for creatives. Invited by Moscow Urban Forum and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Russia.
panel Moscow Urban Forum
lecture HSE School of Urbanism
presentation Moscow Agency of Innovations

CAWA — urban economies advisor at CAWA, the independent advisory committee for artist spaces in Amsterdam. The committee provides the Mayor of Amsterdam solicited and unsolicited advice on creative real estate. From 2013 to 2018.

Studio L A — strategy workshop and advice for Studio L A, practice for inclusive architecture founded by Lorien Beijaert and Arna Mačkić. On behalf of Agency Agency.

Afaina — strategic development of Afaina de Jong's architecture practice. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Artist Spaces Amsterdam — strategic communication and website advice for the City of Amsterdam's atelier and creative spaces program.

Reality Check VII — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With San Serriffe, Giulio Margheri / OMA, Victoria Meniakina and Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Advising Cultural Organizations — lecture on our integrated approach for advising and developing cultural organizations. On behalf of Agency Agency for Art & Economics students at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.

SMK — concept development for Stedelijk Museum Kampen. With Peter Koppen / LAgroup.

Tips & Tricks — presentation and conversation on project development and fundraising for Sandberg@Mediapark, masterclass for digital artists and media makers. For Sandberg Institute and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision.
website Sandberg@Mediapark
slide presentation

MAFAD — vision development for MAFAD Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design, part of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.

Reality Check VI — personal positioning, portfolio development and internship program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Victoria Meniakina and Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.



Amerpodia — positioning strategy for Amerpodia and their four venues Felix Meritis, Rode Hoed, De Nieuwe Liefde and Compagnietheater.
presentation (in Dutch)

Inside KABK — strategic advice and action plan for improving internal communication at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague.

Reality Check V — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Frame Publishers, Giulio Margheri / OMA, Victoria Meniakina and Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

AEF live — 'live advising' Udo Kock, vice mayor of Amsterdam, on strategies for fair city development, tourism and city branding. With Hilde Blank / BVR & AM Concepts and Arjen Gielen / NHG Dutch Homeownership Guarantee Fund. Organized by AEF Andersson Elffers Felix.
program 14 Sept 2017 (in Dutch)

Codes for Airbnb — proposal to the City of Amsterdam to introduce a system of unique digital codes for renting out spaces on Airbnb and similar platforms. For Amsterdam in Progress, design by Edwin van Gelder / Mainstudio.
proposal (in Dutch)

DePlaatsmaker — strategy development for DePlaatsmaker, a cultural real estate development organization from Utrecht.

CAxNL — research and advice on business opportunities for Canadian organizations in the Dutch creative industries. With Erik Grootscholte / LAgroup for the Embassy of Canada in the Netherlands.

Neighborhood Investment Fund — a plea to invest revenues from inner city tourism in neighborhoods outside the center of Amsterdam. Broadcast on NPO Radio 1.
radio interview (in Dutch)

Kazerne — expert review of the business plan and cultural program of Kazerne, a multi-purpose venue in Eindhoven dedicated to design. With Erik Grootscholte / LAgroup for the Province of Noord-Brabant and the cultural investment fund Brabant C.

Kromhouthal — concepts for an inclusive redevelopment of the monumental Kromhouthal in Amsterdam-Noord. With Tess Broekmans / Urhahn Urban Design for Eigen Haard. — strategic and creative direction for the website of audiovisual artist Nick Verstand. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency and Arif Kornweitz.

SJPK — professional coaching for brand strategist Jan Pieter Kaptein.

Bringing Down Walls — opinion article on how contemporary art institutes in Amsterdam could become more engaged with the city and each other. Published in Simulacrum, magazine for art and culture.

Anima Shenzhen — fundraising advice for Anima, an audiovisual installation by audiovisual artist Nick Verstand at Design Society in Shenzhen.

Current Obsession — development strategy for contemporary jewellery platform Current Obsession. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Placemakers — development strategy for Placemakers, practice for urban activation.

Reality Check IV — personal positioning, portfolio development and internship program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Square — branding concept for a workspace and community for creative makers. With Agency Agency for ROC van Amsterdam.



JVDW — strategy, branding, business development and fundraising advice for designer Jólan van der Wiel. With Agency Agency.

Practice, Practice, Practice — presentation and discussion on professional development in design. Organized by Creative Industries Fund NL at the Dutch Design Week 2016.
review (in Dutch)
slide presentation

Cultural Development — coaching program for the professional development of cultural initiatives 24classics, San Serriffe, Unfair and We Are Public. For the AFK Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.
interview (in Dutch)

Reality Check III — professional development program for Interior Architecture and Furniture Design students at KABK Royal Academy of Art The Hague. With Frame Publishers, Raphael Coutin, Giulio Margheri / OMA and Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Forces for Architecture — strategic direction for a temporary research studio and website on how forces of nature can serve the built environment. For Jólan van der Wiel and Benthem Crouwel Architects.

Games for Cities — strategy and design direction for a year-long program and digital platform on game-based urban development. With Joost de Nooy / The Visual Theatre for Ekim Tan / Play the City.

Barbara Langendijk — development strategy for fashion designer Barbara Langendijk. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Meganom — strategic positioning and website direction for Meganom, a Moscow-based practice for architecture, urban design and research. With Victoria Meniakina / Agency Agency.

Amsterdam Food Project — strategy for a regional supply-and-demand food project in the Amsterdam metropolitan area. For Rabobank Amsterdam.

Reality Check II — personal positioning, portfolio development and internship program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Hard//hoofd — strategy and design direction for a platform for emerging Dutch writers and their digital platform. With Bas Koopmans / Baster and Tom Walter / Little Fragments for Hard//hoofd.

The Frame — business development for a new car. With Barend Koolhaas.

#+21.00-23.00 — budget advice for Saskia Noor van Imhoff's publication and exhibitions at de Appel arts centre and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Future Acts — strategy, business development and branding workshop for Future Planet Studies students at the University of Amsterdam.



Spring House — concept and business development for a members' club and coworking space in Amsterdam. For Vandejong Creative Agency.

Reality Check I — personal positioning, portfolio development and internship program for DesignLAB students at Gerrit Rietveld Academie. With Maarten Kanters / Agency Agency.

Agency for Apprenticeships — research for an interdisciplinary apprenticeship program for designers worldwide. Supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL.

New Now — strategic direction for a festival for Europe's emerging artists. With Agency Agency for ELIA, European League for the Institutes of the Arts.

Intervening Rokin — two-week research studio on Amsterdam's consumer-driven city center. With Theo Deutinger, Nathan de Groot, Giulio Margheri and Maarten Kanters for Summer School Thinking City.

Anticipating the Future — co-editor of a magazine on the future of tourism to Amsterdam. For Stephen Hodes, design by Edwin van Gelder / Mainstudio.
magazine preview

Against Predictability — opinion article on the development of Amsterdam in times of rising visitor numbers. Published in Amsterdam, Anticipating the Future.
article (image by Giulio Margheri)

In the City — booklet on urban economics in times of globalization and digitization. For Rabobank Amsterdam with Maarten Kanters.

Blockbuster Fund — communication strategy for Blockbusterfonds. With Stephen Hodes / LAgroup.

Planning Music — coaching sessions on developing project plans for Music in Education students at the Amsterdam Conservatory.

Becoming a Liaison — discussion with Arts and Economics students on connecting business and creativity. At HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.



Telychka School — concept development for a new school for urbanism in Kiev. For ZOTOV&CO.

The Home Does Not Exist — development of exhibition on evolving domesticity at Biennale Interieur Kortrijk. With Space Caviar and Folder.
Domus article

Things to Come — curatorial concept proposal for the Oslo Architecture Triennale 2016. With Studio Lukas Feireiss.

Russia Now — lecture on contemporary developments in Russia. At SPUI25 University of Amsterdam.

Thinking City — communication advice and film production for Amsterdam's interdisciplinary summer school on urbanism.

Navy Yard — two-week research studio on the future of Amsterdam's former navy yard during Summer School Thinking City. With Radna Rumping, Juha van ‘t Zelfde and Nathan de Groot.

Closing the Gap — communication strategy and poster campaign for the Faculty for Technology, Innovation and Society of The Hague University of Applied Sciences. With Maarten Kanters.

Interdisciplinary Urban Design — speaker and guest critic at Skopje Creative Hub Festival. With Giulio Margheri.

Guki — architectural proposal for Guggenheim Helsinki. With TD Architects and Giulio Margheri.
concept description


2013–2014 at Strelka Institute

Relocating Strelka — concept and development strategy for Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design in Moscow. Winning competition proposal with Squadra Komanda.
press booklet
ArchDaily article

MKAD City — research and development strategy for MKAD, the 109 km Moscow ring road. With Giulio Margheri at the Strelka Urban Routines Car Studio.
slide presentation
Car Studio magazine

Living in Permanent Modernity — interview with MIT's Alexander D’Hooghe. Published at Strelka Future Urbanism.


2012–2013 at Vandejong — concept development and business texts for the Vandejong website.

Foam Magazine — business development for an international photography magazine.

East Wing — brand and digital development for a contemporary art gallery from Doha, Qatar.

Amsterdam &Co — concept development for a members' platform for Rabobank Amsterdam.

Panorama Eye — concept development and fundraising for EYE Film Institute's permanent exhibition on the history of cinema.

De PIT — brand and digital development for a cultural community of youngsters in Amsterdam.

Eenmaal — concept and brand development for the world's first restaurant for solitary dining.

Givers — concept development for charity donation platform.

What to do with the theatre? — opinion article on a €55 million theatre development project in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Amsterdam Economic Board — young board co-founder and member at Amsterdam Economic Board.

BNR Young Thinkers Panel — member of Young Thinkers Panel at BNR Business News Radio.


2008–2012 at LAgroup

Less Bubble More World — future strategy for Design Academy Eindhoven.
strategy booklet (in Dutch, design by Hendrik­-Jan Grievink)

Digital Amsterdam — digital strategy focusing on informing international visitors to Amsterdam. For the Amsterdam Economic Board.

AFK — future strategy for AFK Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.

Cultural Center Arnhem — concept development for an all-in-one museum, music hall and cinema in Arnhem.

KB — communication strategy for KB National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague.

DutchCulture — strategic advice on the governmental support programs and funding tools for promoting Dutch artists, cultural institutes and the creative sector abroad.

Museum De Stad — concept development for a museum-on-the-city in new town Almere.

Beyond the Black Box and the White Cube — co-editor for book on architectural innovations at cultural institutions. With Johan Idema.
digital book



Roel van Herpt is Director of Marketing & Communications at Maastricht University, working at the intersection of strategy, communication and organization.

Prior to joining Maastricht University, Roel worked as an independent strategy advisor for leadership across the arts, creative industries, sciences and society. He consults on complex strategic challenges, ranging from positioning, branding and digital transformation to governance, business development and organizational change. Occasionally, Roel serves on advisory committees for City of Amsterdam, AFK Amsterdam Fund for the Arts and Creative Industries Fund NL.

Together with his partner Victoria Meniakina, Roel co-founded Agency Agency, a consultancy that combines strategic advice and creative direction. During his time at Maastricht University, Victoria will continue leading Agency Agency as well as Reality Check, a professional development program that was founded by Roel and Victoria and takes place at architecture and design departments of Gerrit Rietveld Academie (Amsterdam) and KABK Royal Academy of Art (The Hague).

Roel worked before at Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design (Moscow), Vandejong Creative Agency (Amsterdam) and LAgroup Leisure & Arts Consulting (Amsterdam). He studied strategy, business and philosophy at universities across Europe (Rome, Tilburg, Utrecht). Roel holds an MSc in Strategic Management (cum laude) and an MA in Creative Development.


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